Trump urged to apologise to Muslim protester ejected from rally

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has urged Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump to apologise to a Muslim protester ejected from one of his rallies.
CAIR said Rose Hamid's eviction from the rally in South Carolina sent a "chilling message to American Muslims".

Ms Hamid was removed after making a silent protest on Friday.
Mr Trump's proposed ban on Muslims entering the US has been widely condemned.
During the rally in the town of Rock Hill, Ms Hamid stood up wearing a T-shirt bearing the words: "Salam, I come in peace" - "Salam" is the Arabic word for peace.
When she stood up, the crowd around her began chanting "Trump! Trump!" as they had reportedly been instructed to do in the event of any interruption.

Ms Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant, was then told by a security officer that she had to leave. She was booed as she was escorted out.
CAIR said that as well as apologising to Ms Hamid, Mr Trump should "make a clear statement that American Muslims are welcome as fellow citizens and as participants in the nation's political process".

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